
Inflation in Europe.

What it does

The app was created as a way to help people save money in the face of rising consumer world inflation. The features of the app are: tracking expenses for multiple users, categorizing expenses, and setting budgets for each user. Fastify framework was chosen to develop the backend for expense management and authentication as together with protected routes it provided high security and fast operability for such sensitive data as money spending. The app also allows an easy way to add new users and manage permissions. This project focuses on creating a web application that will allow users to record their expenses and track how much money they spend. Moreover, the user will be able to have a better understanding of which categories they spend the most money on (visually presented on a pie chart) and which share of their budget is left to be spent for the current month.

How I built it

The following technologies were researched and implemented during the project course:



A budget-tracking application called Greedy Gorilla is a React web application that communicates with the NodeJS microservice which uses MongoDB to store data. The main functionality of the app is concentrated on one page following the current design best practices, only sign-in and sign-up are located on separate pages.

The following design patterns are used as best practices in building React application: stateless and controlled components and react hooks. Libraries used in the project include:



Challenge I ran into while building

Learnt technologies from scratch.